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Kate Williams

Average Rating4.15
(based on 13 reviews)

Author: 'Squeak! Squawk! Roar! Amazing Animal Poems' - out now! Details here: https://katewilliamspoet.com/squeak-squawk-roar/ Children's poet: website: katewilliamspoet.com




Author: 'Squeak! Squawk! Roar! Amazing Animal Poems' - out now! Details here: https://katewilliamspoet.com/squeak-squawk-roar/ Children's poet: website: katewilliamspoet.com
'Seabed Rhymes' - fun rhyming couplet frames, KS2

'Seabed Rhymes' - fun rhyming couplet frames, KS2

Children love rhymes, but they can be tricky to construct, so this resource provides 4 structured rhyme frames on the theme ‘seabed’, with a sheet of tips and examples to help them along. Suitable for Yrs 5/6 working mostly independently, and for Yrs 3/4 with teacher support. However, all will benefit from a whole-class rhyme produced together, chanted and clapped to check rhythm, and written up on the board as an example. Year 2 would also enjoy a shared rhyme challenge, using a selected verse from the sheet. The resource supports literacy, especially poetry and linguistics, developing language dexterity and control of rhyme and rhythm. It would also support any topic related to sea, pirates, holidays, maritime history or the environment. Contents: 2 sheets, black-and-white, PDF.
COLOUR FUN - Colourful Rhymes + Picture-Poems

COLOUR FUN - Colourful Rhymes + Picture-Poems

3 Resources
This colourful collection of activities for Early Years & Yr1 (+Y2) comprises: 2 colour-focused rhymes (one about different-coloured dragons, one about red things), and butterfly, ladybird and fish writing/colouring sheets. See my video poem, Rainbow Glow - https://youtu.be/qAq3CfoRaaE
2 COLOUR RHYMES to clap, chant, act, embellish, EY/KS1

2 COLOUR RHYMES to clap, chant, act, embellish, EY/KS1

These rhythmic rhymes focus on colour, one specifically on red, the other, various colours, each representing a dragon. Guidance notes are included with each, with suggestions for extra verses and setting to music/acting out. Their titles are: ‘Red is for Strawberries’ and ‘Colourful Dragons’. Some young children have difficulty identifying colours by their names, so these rhymes will help, with their catchy rhythms, graphic images and invitations for further ideas. These activities support the curricular learning areas of Literacy, Expressive Arts & Design, Communication & Language, and Physical Development.


Rainy days can be fun when you’re being the rain yourself in a punchy action rhyme, and thinking up sounds and ‘doing-words’ to say and write - especially when writing them on an umbrella! Children who can’t write yet can colour the many-sectioned umbrella and contribute verbally. There are 2 short rhymes - actions provided - and 1 writing sheet with accompanying Guide for use/lesson plan. This resource supports Literacy, Expressive Arts & Design, Understanding the World (seasons and weather) and Physical Development. Rhymes are original, designs hand-drawn - home produced. PDFs. Here’s my poem ‘What is a Cloud’ (published): https://youtu.be/EOKVIktMh10
Rhymes Galore (15) for EY/KS1

Rhymes Galore (15) for EY/KS1

4 Resources
Rhymes to chant, clap, act out and develop, promoting many learning areas: Literacy, Understanding the World, Communication Language, Expressive Arts & Design and Physical Development. Topics: mini-beasts, seaside, stars, castles, busy street, school, big & small, park and windy day. Guidance notes included for all. Save 50% with this bundle!
5 Action/Clapping Rhymes, Early Years/Yr1

5 Action/Clapping Rhymes, Early Years/Yr1

These 5 simple, rhythmic rhymes focus on everyday concepts. Their titles are: Busy Street, In the Park, Windy Day, Taller and Smaller, and School is for Me. Each rhyme sheet includes guidance notes. Suitable for clapping, enacting, word-swapping and performing with embellishments (such as percussion, a tune, or extra actions). They support the learning areas Understanding the World, Expressive Arts & Design, Literacy, Communication & Language, and Physical Development. The rhymes (and illustrations) are my own.
Castles + Treasure: Rhymes + Writing Frames - EY/KS1

Castles + Treasure: Rhymes + Writing Frames - EY/KS1

3 Resources
These castle-themed activities bring the past alive for children, while motivating creative writing, artwork and history study. The 3 punchy rhymes invite actions, word-exchanges, clapping and performance. The 5 writing sheets (or poetry frames) are generously illustrated with lively, inspiring details. Guidance provided for rhymes + worksheets. All rhymes and artwork original.
3 Castle-themed Action/Clapping Rhymes, guidance & embellishment tips, EY/KS1

3 Castle-themed Action/Clapping Rhymes, guidance & embellishment tips, EY/KS1

These 3 punchy rhymes bring the past alive. Their titles are: Who Lived in the Castle?, Bowing and Curtseying, and My Castle is Old. Each contain rhyme and rhythm, while offering scope for alternative words to be slotted in (notes below provide ideas for these). There is also scope for acting-out, adding sound effects and enhancing with percussion. Suggestions for all of these are provided. They serve to prepare children for writing about castles, also enriching their vocabulary, developing their sense of rhyme and rhythm, and providing a window on the past. In addition, they promote physical development: the actions involved are fun and imagination-triggering, encouraging creative expression and physical exertion. The rhymes and illustrations are my own. 3 sheets in total -PDF.
Space - Writing Frames & Action Rhymes - KS1-2

Space - Writing Frames & Action Rhymes - KS1-2

4 Resources
Shooting stars, planets & aliens feature in these space-themed Literacy activities. There are two action rhymes for EY/KS1 + 3 graded versions of a star picture-poem; for confident/older writers there are 2 fun, illustrated poetry frames of planet and alien respectively. Guidance notes for all. These are my own designs and rhymes, home-produced, hand-illustrated, successfully tested in schools.
'Hello Star!' Action Rhyme, with intro & development ideas, EYFS/KS1

'Hello Star!' Action Rhyme, with intro & development ideas, EYFS/KS1

This simple rhyme invites exciting whole-body actions, with scope for humour, drama, fantasy and expressive, imaginative movement. It includes a simile that can be exchanged for different ones in follow-on verses. The punchy rhythm and clear rhymes will help children develop an ear for rhyming couplets. While focusing minds on stars in space, it also prepares children for any writing task on the subject. The 1-sheet resource includes suggestions for warm-up and development, and lists of words to prompt for when swapping in new ones. The activity supports the learning areas of Literacy, Expressive Arts & Design, Physical Development, Communication and Language, and Understanding the World.
Bonanza of Creepy Crawly Rhymes + Picture-Poem Frames (7 activities), guided

Bonanza of Creepy Crawly Rhymes + Picture-Poem Frames (7 activities), guided

5 Resources
This mini-beast feast comprises 10 sheets, including 3 guidance sheets. These contain 3 rhymes to clap, enact, word-swap, perform, sing, inspire writing - Butterfly, Ladybird, Spider respectively - guidance provided below each rhyme; also 4 picture poems to write & colour: Butterfly, Ladybird, Spider x 2 (guidance notes separate). These provide rounded learning experience on mini-beasts, also supporting Literacy and more.
3 Creepy-Crawly Rhymes, with guidance, Butterfly, Ladybird, Spider, EY/KS1

3 Creepy-Crawly Rhymes, with guidance, Butterfly, Ladybird, Spider, EY/KS1

These 3 simple rhymes bring the mini-beast world alive for young children. Each offers rhyme, rhythm, descriptive words and scope for multiple activities: clapping, enacting, language-building, physical movement, performance, and preparation for any follow-on writing. The rhymes could also be set to music or percussion, or sung to a made-up tune. I made up the rhymes and have found them effective in my poetry workshops for Early Years and KS1. (Illustrations also mine.)
Sun & Cloud Writing Sheets + Rhymes + Guidance Sheet, EYFS/Yr1

Sun & Cloud Writing Sheets + Rhymes + Guidance Sheet, EYFS/Yr1

Sunshine and clouds are the focus of this 4-sheet pack. The illustrated writing sheets - or picture poems - provide attractive and accessible means for children to develop their writing and phonics skills, also spurring creativity and stretching active vocabulary. There are colouring opportunities too. The accompanying rhymes can be chanted, clapped, swayed to or enacted, and are recommended (on the Guidance Sheet) as warm-up activities. The Guidance Sheet offers lists of prompt ideas for each writing sheet, with development suggestions for the cloud one. Suggested preparatory activities are also included. The sheets are hand-illustrated and home-produced, rather than machine-perfect. All sheets are black-and-white, PDF. YouTube recording of my poem: ‘What is a Cloud?’ - https://youtu.be/EOKVIktMh10
2 Spider Picture-Poem Frames + Guide

2 Spider Picture-Poem Frames + Guide

These larger-than-life spider pictures are fun to write on, and the Guide offers word prompt ideas for each section. Both writing sheets invite describing words and action words for spiders, though the pictures are different. On the ‘Spider’ sheet, words can be written on the eight legs; on the ‘Speeding Spider’ sheet, they can be written along the zigzag line of its route over the… floor/grass/path/step? That’s for the child to decide. The first offers colouring opportunities; the second, space for imaginative drawing or shading. Both sheets are hand-drawn and home-produced, and have been successfully tried out in my workshops.